A lot of people don’t know about cybersecurity. It’s important to know that not everyone is as knowledgeable about it as you are. It’s not like you’re going to show up and find out the computer is infected with malware. However, it’s about a proactive system of to protect your data which can be familiarized by anyone willing to learn what it entails.
This post will help those who want to learn more on cybersecurity and how they can protect their finances and personal information.
What is Cybersecurity?
The best way to understand cybersecurity is to look at it in three parts.
- The first part is the threat itself. These may be hackers, cybercriminals, or a virus that infects your computer and steals your data.
- The second part is the prevention of it. This would include things like firewalls, antivirus software, and other security solutions. It is important to block hackers from accessing your computer or stealing information that you keep on your hard drive.
- The third part is the recovery from it. This would include how to recover from any sort of virus that infects your computer or if someone gets into your account and tries to hack into yours (personal information).
Cybersecurity in a Business Environment
A lot of people may think that cybersecurity is something that only concerns home users. However, they are wrong. Cybersecurity is important for anyone and everyone to learn about and understand.
It’s also important for companies to setup various types of security solutions. These can stop hackers from penetrating their system or stealing information. Cybercriminals are very smart and will always find new ways to steal data from you. This is why you should never feel safe just because your company has excellent security measures in place.
Learn about cybersecurity in order for every member of your household to feel safer. Even if they do not use their computer or have any personal information online, still there’s a lot at stake. People rely on others doing their work for them and trust that there are no malicious actors sniffing their computers.

The Domino’s hack
On Sunday morning, hackers attacked Domino’s pizza delivery app, posting fake orders. Hackers posted these orders to a number of locations in an attempt to cause delays around the United States. The fake orders were placed through the official app/website on Saturday afternoon and continued throughout the night. Domino’s employees reported that some locations had no problem and all orders arrived on time as scheduled with some experiencing a delay of just 16 minutes. One location experienced a 10-hour delay across two days before receiving their order.
However, it appears that not every restaurant was spared from harm by these hackers’ antics. Reports have surfaced that locales from Florida and New York were among those hit with delays.
The app isn’t the only place where hackers targeted Domino’s. They also posted fake pizza orders on Twitter, mentioning Domino’s account on multiple occasions. The tweets were deleted within minutes, but that didn’t stop some users from falling into the hacker trap and actually tweeting their own fake orders.
A number of people fell for these hacks and tweeted out their own fake orders at both the business’ Twitter account as well as the app/website, leading to a domino effect in more ways than one.
Cybersecurity in a Household
Learning about cybersecurity is important for everyone, so it’s never too soon to start understanding how to protect yourself from online threats. Even if you don’t work with your computer much, you should still take the time to learn about what cybersecurity is and how to prevent your data from being stolen by thieves. You never know when someone might try to attack your computer or steal information from it.
This YouTube video demonstrates how easy it is to hack someone and own their entire life. Did you click on the link without inspecting the landing page? Chances are, no. Well, it’s one of the basic awareness tips you’ll ever get. It’s important to stay safe online. How do you do that? Jump to the next section.

How to be safe online
Here’s a checklist of things you can do to protect yourself and your family from cyber threats:
1. Sign up for a security solution (AV, parental control, etc.) or find an existing one you like in our list of reviews at https://cybersecuritytips.org; it should be easy to install and easy for your whole family to use. That way you’ll always have protection from any malware or ransomware that tries to infiltrate any of your devices while giving peace of mind that your data is stored safely in the cloud when not being used on other devices.
Only installing a software will help you tackle and minimize the attack and it’s effects.
2. Update software when prompted
3. Make sure to have a strong, unique password for all the accounts you set up online – and do not use the same password for other accounts you have. This way if someone were able to hack into your email account, they wouldn’t have access to any of your other accounts.
4. Update critical software such as operating systems on regular basis, especially Mac OS X which is vulnerable to many threats that make it onto the Mac App Store.
5. Use 2-factor authentication to create an extra layer of security.
6. Don’t click on links if they seem suspicious and do not open attachments that you aren’t expecting from anyone.
7. Be careful about who you give your data to, especially your financial data.
8. Avoid using public Wi-Fi whenever possible; instead, connect to a VPN or use a more secure option such as HTTPS when making any financial transactions online.
9. Keep track of all the websites and accounts you signed up for, as well as any email addresses you own (both active and inactive).
Also, cybersecurity is a lucrative career these days, as more and more companies collect and store data online. These companies need a team of cybersecurity experts which can prevent an attack or minimize the damage. I hope you loved this article, stay tuned for the latest updates. Do share your views in the comments section.