War – the moment we hear this word, a sudden imagination of weapons and loss of life appears. In World War-I (28th July 1914) and World War II (1st September 1939), people turned against each other for mere pieces of land. Hence the era where the word ‘propaganda’ and ‘agenda’ came into play. Millions suffered as biased and misleading information was pushed into their minds and used to fulfill the only cause i.e. war.
Well, it’s been 81 years and we have advanced ourselves, in terms of procedure, weapons, and ammunition. Trends changed from rifles, mortars, machine guns, flamethrowers, and artilleries to CV90120-T Ghost, MAHEM (MAGneto Hydro-Dynamic Explosive Munition), Taser Shockwaves, MAARS (Modular Advanced Armed Robotic System). However, the occasion remains the same. Furthermore, technology has been a great bosom buddy for weapon advancement as every day something new gets included in the list of annihilation.
When it comes to India, the Defence Ministry of India invested $60.9 billion in 2020. As a result, India came to 3rd place, after the USA ($732 billion) & China ($261 billion) respectively. It gives a sensible view of the proportion of funds that is kindred with this area, and why it is ascending each day.
Weapons: A New Journey
Webley & Scott, a name that any British veteran will never forget, supplied weapons like revolvers and automatic pistols to the British Empire’s military in World War-I and World War II. They have managed to survive even in the 21st century. On 29th July 2019, Webley & Scott decided to step into India. Consequently, on 23rd February 2020, they inaugurated their presence by entering into a joint venture with Sial Manufacturer Pvt Ltd, a firm based in Uttar Pradesh, India. The manufacturing plant was set up in Sandila Industrial Area, close to Lucknow and with a new entity name Webley & Scott India.
Being the first non-Indian company to set foot in India as a manufacturer, they offered a variety of weapons and other ammunition for the current period. Such as WP20 .32 auto pistol, MKIV .32 Pocket Revolver, MKIV .32 Overhand Pocket Revolver, WSP20 Pump-Action shotgun, Tomahawk Spring Powered Air Rifle, and WP4521 1911 .45 Auto, are the guns that will be available at the initial stage.
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As Indians are highly fascinated by foreign and international brands, Webley & Scott India will surely get their hands on some good money. But the only thing that struggles here is the Indian Rupee. It will suffer depreciation and might get powerless at some point in time. This could happen when the imports get more expensive than actual exports. The current economy has already been criticized and is plunged enough, as a result of bringing the Indian economy at second worst fall after the USA. Another locus is, the murder rate in India is 4.5 per 100,000 people. This is still alarming and a matter of concern, while the nation is already fighting terrorism and the outer world. There is no doubt, employment will be generated and modernization will be learned, but Economical factors are not viable if simple life doesn’t go well.
Future Plans for Weapons
On August 6th, the Indian Government instigated a new, rough sketch that sets a defense production target at $25 billion, including $5 billion from exports by 2025.
What does it mean?
It means that India is trying to brace the domestic production of weapons and a vigorous-rivalry economy is being flourished. According to investindia.gov.in, a system has been detailed with a perspective of encouraging Defence Public Sector Enterprises (DPSUs) and private guard major parts in investigating business openings abroad. The absolute estimation of creation for OFB and DPSUS together records $8 billion.
After all this, $5 billion is still a huge number and also it could be invested in other sectors. How? Manufacturing the weapons that India can, instead of importing them. On August 9th, after banning 101 items, the Ministry of Defence of India added another course of action to promote the Aatmanirbhar campaign. At present, India disburses about $18.52 billion every year on weapons and stage buys, out of which 60% is sourced from homegrown organizations, with residual supplies originating from foreign merchants.
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Here is the full rundown of 101 guard things restricted from import, alongside their timetable of the characteristic year of viable import ban:
Fourth December 2020
1. 20mm Fin Stabilised Armour Piercing Discarding Sabot (FSAPDS) Mark II Ammunition
2. 7.62×51 Sniper Rifle
3. Tracked Self Propelled (SP) Gun (155mm x 52 Cal)
4. Towed Artillery Gun (155mm x 52 Cal)
5. Short Range Surface Air Missiles (Land variant)
6. Shipborne Cruise Missiles
7. Multi Barrel Rocket Launcher (MBRL) (Pinaka Variant)
8. Simulators Presenting Smart Ranges And MultiFunction Target
9. Battalion Support Weapons Simulators
10. Container-based Simulators for Live Fire Training
11. Tailor-made Simulators for Counter Insurgency (CI)/Counter Terrorism (CT) based Training
12. Force-on-force Live Tactical Simulators / Infantry Weapon
13. Tank Simulators (driving, as well as crew gunnery)
14. 155mm/39 Cal Ultra-Light Howitzer
15. Successor of Flycatcher & Upgraded Super Fledermaus (USFM) / Air Defence Fire Control Radar (ADFCR)
16. Component Level Repair Facility for Tank T-90
17. Shipborne Close-in Weapon System
18. Bulletproof Jackets
19. Ballistic Helmets
20. Missile Destroyers
21. Multi-Purpose Vessel
22. Offshore Patrol Vessel
23. Next-Generation Missile Vessels
24. Anti-Submarine Warfare Shallow Water Crafts
25. Water Jet Fast Attack Craft
26. Ammunition Barges
27. 50ton Bollard – Pull Tugs
28. Survey Vessels
29. Floating Dock
30. Diving Support Vessels
31. Pollution Control Vessels
32. Anti-Submarine Rocket Launchers
33. Shipborne Medium-Range Gun
34. Torpedo Tube Launcher for Light Weight Torpedoes
35. Magneto-Rheological Anti Vibration Mounts
36. All variants of Depth Charges
37. Shipborne Sonar System for Large Ships
38. Hull Mounted Submarine Sonar
39. Short-Range Maritime Reconnaissance Aircraft
40. Anti-Submarine Rocket
41. Chaff Rockets
42. Chaff Rocket Launcher
43. Integrated Ship’s Bridge System
44. Light Combat Aircraft (LCA) MK I A – Enhanced Indigenised Content
45. Light Combat Helicopters
46. General-Purpose Pre Fragmentation Bombs between 250-500 Kg
47. Radar Warning Receiver (RWR) for Transport of Aircraft
48. Ground-Based Mobile ELINT System
49. Transport Aircraft (Light)
50. GSAT-6 Satellite Terminals
Fourth December 2020
51. Aerial Delivery Systems for Transport Aircraft
52. Digital Tropo Scatter/LOS Communication System
53. Low-Level Transportable Radar
54. High Power Radar (HPR)
55. CBRN Detection & Monitoring System
56. CBRN Decontamination & Protection System
57. Parachute Tactical Assault (PTA)- G2
58. Dragunov Upgrade System
59. PKMG Upgrade System
60. Simulators for A Vehicles / B Vehicles
61. Simulators for Towed and Self-Propelled Guns of Air Defence
62. Simulators for Correction of Fire by Observers
63. Military trucks of 4×4 and above variants: 12×12, 10×10, 8×8, 6×6-
64. Fixed Wing Mini UAVs
65. 500 Ton Self-Propelled Water Barges
66. Software Defined Radio (TAC) for IN
67. Next-Generation Maritime Mobile Coastal Battery (Long Range)
68. Advanced Landing Ground Communication Terminals (ALGCTs)for AGLs
69. Field Artillery Tractor (FAT) 6X6 for Medium Guns
Fourth December 2021
70. Wheeled Armoured Fighting Vehicle (AFV)
71. Light Machine Gun
72. 125 mm Fin Stabilised Armour Piercing Discarding Sabot (FSAPDS) New Generation Ammunition
73. Assault Rifle 7.62 x 39mm
74. 30 mm Ammunition for Infantry Fighting Systems
75. Mine Fragmentation
76. Mine Anti-tank
77. Mine Anti-Personnel Blast
78. Multipurpose Grenade
79. Inertial Navigation System for Ship Application
80. Conventional Submarines
Fourth December 2022
81. 40mm UBGL (Under Barrel Grenade Launcher)
82. Lightweight Rocket Launcher
83. 155 mm Artillery Ammunition
84. EW Systems

Fourth December 2023
85. Material Handling Crane 2.5 to 7.5 Tons (Vehicle Mounted)
86. GRAD BM Rocket
87. 30MM HEI/HET
88. ASTRA-MK I Beyond Visual Range Air to Air Missile (BVR AAM)
89. EW Suit for MI-17 V5
90. Communication Satellite GSAT-7C
91. Satellite GSAT 7R
92. Basic Trainer Aircraft (BTA)
Fourth December 2023
93. Expendable Aerial Targets
94. Small Jet Engines with 120kgf thrust
95. Light Low-Level Terrain Radar (LLLWR)
96. Close-in Weapon System (Land-based)
97. 23 mm ZU Ammunitions
98. 30mm VOG 17
99. Electronic Fuses for Artillery Ammunitions
100. Bi- Modular Charge System (BMCS)
Fourth December 2025
101. Long-Range – Land Attack Cruise Missile
While the ban has been sorted in stages and will be inferred quite a long time after a year, the impact would be insignificant. Also, the Indian Ministry of Defence may have agreements and dealings in going in the current time frame, it might end till it effectively happens.
One face of India promotes Aatmanirbhar while on the other side, we are promoting and allowing Multi-National Companies and letting them establish and demote the “Made in India.” While the small sector and farmers are still struggling for survival in our nation, the government is visionless, aloof, and only involved in politics.
Indian economy is struggling to maintain exports as low as possible but still lies at $59.01 million for exports. While the imports are $117.40 million. The Foreign Direct Investment of any Nation must be strong and a base must be cemented, below which a nation must not involve itself. But India recently allowed – “100% FDI in the Defence industry”; wherein 74% is allowed under automatic route and beyond 74% through the Government route. Loss of -$1336 Million and the capital flows are at -$822.3 Million! Still, wondering how the Indian economy is digging a grave for itself? For further details, please refer to FDI Policy.
How do you think the manufacturing of weapons in India will affect the economy? What opportunities can this create? Don’t forget to share your views!